
All feedback is important to us, both good and bad. Our 6 core principles to complaint handling are:

  1. All of your feedback is important to us.
  2. We want to make it easy for you to raise a concern or complain, if you need to.
  3. We follow a complaints procedure and keep you informed.
  4. We will try to answer all your questions and any concerns you raise.
  5. We want you to have a positive experience of making a complaint.
  6. Your feedback helps us to improve our service.
You can download a copy of our Complaints Code of Practice here.

Complaints Policy

Step 1 - Talk To Us

  • Should you be dissatisfied with any aspect of your care or treatment then please let us know. Both Mark and Edward Coppen are the appointed complaints managers. If a complaint is about any aspect of clinical care or associated fees it will normally be referred to the treating dentist, unless the patient does not want this to happen.
  • If you make a complaint in writing or email this will be acknowledged within 3 working days and a copy of the practice complaints policy will be included. Once acknowledged, your complaint will be investigated with any relevant team members. A response will be provided within 10 days. However, should this timeframe be unachievable a holding letter will be sent instead and a new response date will be provided.
  • If you instead make a complaint in person or via the telephone this will be immediately acknowledged, the practice managers will be informed and a copy of the practice complaints policy made available.
  • Ideally our investigation into your complaint and any relevant actions taken will be satisfactory to resolve the matter. However, should your complaint not be resolved please consider Step 2 below.

Step 2 - Independent Review


Complaints relating to private dental care should be directed to the dental complaints service (DCS) via:

  • Post: Dental Complaints Service, 37 Wimpole Street, London W1G 8DQ
  • Tel: 020 8253 0800
  • Website:


Complaints relating to NHS dental care should be directed to the South East Complaints Hub via:

  • Post: NHS Sussex Complaints Team, NHS Sussex, Sackville House, Brooks Close, Lewes, BN7 2FZ
  • Tel: 0300 140 9854
  • Email: [email protected]

Step 3 - General Dental Council

Should step 1 or step 2 not adequately resolve the issue you may with to contact The General Dental Council for more advice
  • The General Dental Council, 37 Wimpole Street, London, W1M 8DQ
  • Tel: 020 7887 3800
  • Email: [email protected]