Fillings generally fall into two types, metallic or white. Metallic fillings can be longer lasting whilst white materials are more aesthetic. Your dentist will explain the differences whenever this type of restoration is recommended.
White fillings are made from a composite resin. Their chief advantage is the way they blend so well with your natural teeth while also supporting the remaining structure of a damaged tooth to reduce the risk of further breakage or discomfort.
Amalgam fillings are the traditional silver/grey coloured filling. Whilst composite fillings are more natural looking, amalgam fillings can offer a durable and long-lasting solution at times when white fillings would not. As such, amalgam fillings still play an important role today.
Gold fillings offer a superb outcome that is likely to last longer than other fillings types. However, the high cost of gold and the fact patients prefer more natural looking alternatives means they are rarely placed these days.