Dentures are a very cost effective way of replacing a large number of teeth, or as a solution when bridges or implants are not possible.
Partial dentures are designed to fill gaps around your natural teeth, whereas complete or full dentures are needed when you have no natural teeth left.
Dentures may be made from acrylic or chrome materials.
Very cost effective
Readily allow for further teeth to be added should natural teeth be lost in the future
Compared to chrome dentures they don't engage natural teeth as much and typically feel less secure as a result
Partial Acrylic Denture
Full Acrylic Denture
More expensive than acrylic dentures but cheaper than bridges and implants
Usually cover much less of the mouth than acrylic dentures meaning they are more comfortable and allow for more touch and taste sensation when eating
Not appropriate if further tooth loss is anticipated as it is harder to add teeth on to a chrome denture than an acrylic denture